Our project, Technology for Acquiring Language through Engagement (TALE), focuses on designing a gamified platform to help self-learners acquire foreign language skills, specifically non-native English speakers.
Research question: How might we help intermediate to advanced English learners get more practice speaking their target language with others?
Motivations: Self-learners encounter a number of challenges when attempting to learn a language, including:
- Lack of depth in existing free learning materials
- Disconnect to native speakers and culture
- Struggles with loss of interest or feelings of burnout over time
- Difficulties practicing natural conversations
Why gamification? Research has shown that playful environments and gamified approaches can be powerful tools for engaging learners.
Project Team
- Kyle Leinart, MS-HCI student
- Irene Ong, MS-HCI student
- Calvin Mammen, MS-CS student
- Theresa Hsieh, MS-HCI student
- Jessica Roberts, Faculty advisor