AI Literacy through Embodiment and Co-Creativity


Although artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly large role in mediating human activities, most education about what AI is and how it works is restricted to computer science courses. This research is a collaboration between the TILES lab, the Expressive Machinery Lab (Dr. Brian Magerko, Georgia Tech), and the Creative Interfaces Research + Design Studio (Dr. Duri Long, Northwestern University) to create a set of museum exhibits aimed at teaching fundamental AI concepts to the public. In particular we aim to reach middle school girls and students from groups who are underrepresented in computer science.

Creature Features asks learners to build their own training dataset to teach an AI what a bird is. After choosing examples and non-examples, learners receive feedback on how well their AI is able to identify new birds.

This 4-year project is funded by the NSF Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program (NSF DRL #2214463). We are collaborating with the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago to conduct focus groups, needs assessments, and pilot testing of exhibit designs based off our prior work.

Knowledge Net asks learners to use tokens to create a network that powers a chatbot. After uploading an image of their network to a custom website, learners can ask the chatbot questions.

This research will explore how embodiment and co-creativity can help learners make sense of and engage with AI concepts.
